Design by Vanessa Briceño, Char George, and Elyse Lemoine
Role: Artist, Animator, Game Designer, Sound Design (minor)
Download the current build: MAC (BETA).
Alien Academy is a fast-paced, light-hearted, social- and time-management game where you run an imaginary boarding school for aliens in the pages of your very own school notebook. As the headmaster or headmistress of this prestigious academy, you are tasked with keeping the school running as smoothly as possible. Direct your students around the school and make sure they’re making friends and staying out of trouble! Delinquent, unhappy aliens might just fire you themselves!
Alien Academy is a second year MFA thesis project from the NYU Game Center. It was developed over the course of 9 months, and is currently in beta. We developed Alien Academy in Unity 4.6, and began the project in May 2015, finishing in early-beta in May 2015. Follow the development blog for news.
NOTE: In the current build, once the player gets halfway through day 2, the game enters free play mode. You can then explore the game and the aliens without worrying about getting them to class! If you want to replay, quit the game and then start again. There are some known bugs that will be fixed in the future.

Design by Matthew Chen, Elyse Lemoine, Leandro Ribeiro, and AP Thomson
Role: Artist, Designer (projectile vomiting, items, characters), Producer
Watch the video here. Download the current build: Mac OSX.
Once upon a time, a poor girl and her mother received a magical gift – a Little Pot that could produce endless sweet porridge at the utterance of the magic words “Little Pot, Cook.” But, one day, the mother forgot the words to make the porridge stop and their small town was flooded with sweet porridge. With the town in peril, three heroes – Industrious Olga, Tremendous Johann, and Revolting Werner – must rise to the occasion and eat their way through the town to stop the Little Pot from covering the world in sweet porridge!
Hungry Hungry Heroes is a single player strategy game about cooperative eating and tactical puking. Take control of the three heroes – Olga, Werner, and Johann – and eat your way through the various levels and campaigns to stop the Little Pot in its sweet, sticky tracks!
Done in 4 months (February – May 2014) for Game Studio 2 at the NYU Game Center, using Unity. This is a single-player strategy game best played on iOS devices (iPad and iPhone). Based on the non-digital game, the Great Porridge Purge by Elyse Lemoine, Josh Raab, and Geoffrey Suthers (done for Game Design 1).

Design by Elyse Lemoine, James Marion, Leandro Ribeiro, and AP Thomson
Role: Artist, Animator, Designer
Watch the video here. Download the current build: Mac OSX | Windows
RMS Rumble is a tragically romantic combat sport about “rearranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic.” So with little time left and nothing left to lose – except your life – compete against your lover for who can get the most deck chairs on their side of the ship before it sinks! And when it does, you can go down knowing that you were a true King of the World.
Done in 5 weeks (November – December 2013) for Game Studio I at the NYU Game Center, using Unity. This is a two-player fighting game best played with XBOX 360 gamepads.

Written and Designed by Elyse Lemoine
Play the Game here.
“It’s Christmas Eve and you’re sitting in your childhood bedroom, still wearing the heavy scarf and coat you came in with. At the foot of the bed is your carry-on, loaded with just enough clothes to last you through the few days of your Christmas holiday. This is the first time you’ve spent Christmas with your parents in a long time; the last four had been spent with your partner of six years. This year, however, you find yourself single and still feeling the pain of your recent break-up…”
The Family Ghost is a ChoiceScript game about being queer, going home for Christmas, and all of the struggles that come with dealing with family. You play a young twenty-nine year old sous chef named Sawyer Anne McLeod, whose parents love her, but don’t necessarily understand her. Navigate a family Christmas Eve dinner while making choices and experiencing the outcomes. Will you make the best of a strained but familiar situation, or will Christmas end in tears and anger?
Done in 3 weeks (February 2014) for Narrative Game Studio at the NYU Game Center using ChoiceScript. This is a single player choose your own adventure game that can be played in 15 – 20 minutes. Needs an internet connection and a web browser to play. (Chrome and Firefox preferred.)

Written and designed by Elyse Lemoine
Play the Game here.
#adderhouse2014 is an Inform7 game about a sixteen-year-old dudebro, Chad (@harshrealm22), livetweeting his way through a haunted house. Armed with only a flashlight and his cellphone, Chad must make his way through a haunted house as a part of a triple dog dare, all while being harassed by a ghost and teased by his friends. Input actions and help Chad explore the house in order to solve the mystery of the vengeful ghost of the Adder House and make it out alive.
Done in 4 weeks (March 2014) for Narrative Game Studio at the NYU Game Center using Inform 7. This is a single-player input text adventure game that can be played in 10 – 20 minutes. Needs an internet connection and a web browser to play (can be played on iPad or iPhone).

Design and Art by Elyse Lemoine
Who doesn’t love petting cats? The feel of their soft fur between your fingers, the relaxing rumbling of their purrs, and the grace of their attention, which impossibly hard to hold. And all of that at the tips of your fingers? Well, an iPhone may not be able to give you the love that a real cat can, but at least it won’t be getting up and walking away just when you’re getting into the petting groove! Lap Cat is a cat petting simulator for the iOS: a relaxing way for us cat people to get our cat petting fixes when our feline friends are trapped at home (enjoying their solitude).
This project was developed in 3 weeks in Unity 4.6 for Code Lab II at the NYU Game Center. While this is a cute project, I hope to develop it further outside of this class, aiming for a fully polished iOS build sometime in 2015.
Prototype Build soon to come.

Design by Nolan Filter, Sigursteinn Gunnarsson, Elyse Lemoine, and Zack Zhang
Role: Designer, Puzzle Designer, Sound Designer
Download the current build here: Windows
In Shade, the main character is a young girl who’s become the recent target of a serial killer. After being choked and hanged, her angry spirit – or shade, if you will – comes back with the vengeance in the form of her shadow. Cutting herself loose from the noose she’s hanging from, the Young Girl must manipulate the shadows and light around her in order to move across the wall to the end of the room, where her murderer awaits.
Shade is a point and click adventure game where the player takes control of the spirit of a recently murdered young girl, who takes her agency back into her own hands in order to seek her revenge. Using no dialogue and audio-visual feedback only, the player must manipulate the light and the shadows of the young girl’s world in order to solve the puzzle and release herself from her prison.
Shade was developed in five weeks (April – May 2014) for Narrative Studio at the NYU Game Center. It was made in Adventure Game Studio as a part of an assignment that required use of the engine, as well as point and click mechanics.

Design by Elyse Lemoine, Maria Jose Saint Martin, and Winnie Song
Role: Designer, Producer, Sound Designer
Watch the video here. Download the prototype: Windows.
In a world where the lights have gone out, one girl has taken it upon herself to power up the city. Using her flashlight and jar, she must go out into the dark night, catching as many fireflies as she can before the sun comes out. But beware the gadflies – to them, fireflies are a delicacy! And without those fireflies, the city’s power is in danger…
Done in 2 days (September 2013) for the Code Liberation Game Jam in September 2013, using GameMaker Studio.
digital games
Here is a sampling of some of the digital games I've been working on over the past few years. I have taken on various roles on these projects: game designer, producer, visual designer, sound designer, and programmer.