Action/Adventure - Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter who rides the broken road, fighting to survive while searching for a reason to live.
Developer: SIE Bend Studio
Role: Narrative Designer/Localization Producer
Wrote in-game dialogue and text collectibles, as well as any and all in-game copy (tutorials, skills, HUD, UI, etc.). Placed all collectibles in the open world and tested them thoroughly.
Managed all VO and text assets, directing multiple teams in their implementation.
Maintained a working knowledge of the game’s story in order to preserve narrative integrity throughout development.
Assisted in voice casting for major and minor roles.
Worked with SIE localization services as internal Localization Producer, maintaining, editing, and delivering all sound and text assets within the studio’s localization management system (LAMS). Acted as a liaison between Bend Studio and SIE localization services, fielding all questions and requests regarding content and deadlines. Worked with internal teams to maintain localization-related delivery deadlines to insure ample time for translation and testing.
Edited and timed out subtitles for cinematics and VO by hand to ensure they were accurate.

Worked with existing characterization and lore surrounding R.I.P, the in-game, in-universe cult, to write a series of broadcast collectibles.
Did extensive research on cults and indoctrination to write realistic sermons whose purpose is to recruit more members to a violent, brainwashed cult.
Assisted in placing and hooking up collectibles in the open world.
Read the script HERE.
Click the thumbnail to listen to the audio.

Worked with Open World Design Lead and Creative Director to conceptualize Tourism Collectibles.
Explored the open world to find organic locations for collectible placement.
Researched and wrote all Tourism Collectibles, based on real world and real Pacific Northwestern examples.
Collaborated with Concept Art team to make sure all Tourism Collectibles received in-game art assets that fit the content.
Placed collectibles in the open world and tested them extensively to make sure the could be picked up and were properly displayed.
Read the collectible text here.

Did extensive research on Oregonian and Pacific Northwestern history to write Historical Markers to populate throughout the open world.
Scoured the Days Gone open world in search for interesting and unique places for historical markers.
Worked with Environment team to make sure historical markers received art treatment and clean up.
Tested markers extensively to make sure they were up to date and collectible.
Read the collectible text here.

Worked with Creative Director to analyze existing characters and what kinds of collectibles would suit them.
Used extensive knowledge of character background and world to write collectibles that would contribute to our cast of characters, adding to their stories and giving the player insight to their lives prior to the “Event.”
Collaborated with Concept Art to make sure all collectibles received in-game art assets that matched their content.
Placed collectibles in the open world and tested them extensively to make sure they were working.
Read the collectible text here.

Contributed to the creation of the Days Gone artbook. Featured in various sections, like characters and open world.
Wrote snippets discussing work on various collectibles (Tourism Collectibles, Addy’s Letter) and worldbuilding processes (the Campfire Cadets).
Purchase the artbook here.